Developer guide
Pseudo-distributed sandbox
These instructions are for users wanting to set up a bare-minimum local deployment of FEDn (without FEDn Studio). We here assume practical knowledge of Docker and docker-compose. We recommend all new users of FEDn to start by taking the Getting Started tutorial: Getting started with FEDn
During development on FEDn, and when working on own extentions including aggregators and helpers, it is useful to have a local development setup of the core FEDn server-side services (controller, combiner, database, object store). We provide Dockerfiles and docker-compose template for an all-in-one local sandbox:
docker compose \
-f ../../docker-compose.yaml \
-f docker-compose.override.yaml \
This starts up local services for MongoDB, Minio, the API Server, one Combiner and two clients. You can verify the deployment on localhost using these urls:
API Server: http://localhost:8092/get_controller_status
Minio: http://localhost:9000
Mongo Express: http://localhost:8081
This setup does not include any of the security and authentication features available in a Studio Project, so we will not require authentication of clients (insecure mode) when using the APIClient:
from fedn import APIClient
client = APIClient(host="localhost", port=8092)
client.set_active_package("package.tgz", helper="numpyhelper", name="my-package")
To connect a native FEDn client to the sandbox deployment, you need to make sure that the combiner service can be resolved by the client using the name “combiner”. One way to achieve this is to edit your ‘/etc/hosts’ and add a line ‘ combiner’.
Access message logs and validation data from MongoDB
You can access and download event logs and validation data via the API, and you can also as a developer obtain the MongoDB backend data using pymongo or via the MongoExpress interface:
Username and password are found in ‘docker-compose.yaml’.
Access global models
You can obtain global model updates from the ‘fedn-models’ bucket in Minio:
Username and password are found in ‘docker-compose.yaml’.
Reset the FEDn deployment
To purge all data from a deployment incuding all session and round data, access the MongoExpress UI interface and
delete the entire fedn-network
collection. Then restart all services.
Clean up
You can clean up by running
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.override.yaml down -v
Connecting clients using Docker:
For convenience, we distribute a Docker image hosted on with FEDn preinstalled. For example, to start a client for the MNIST PyTorch example using Docker and FEDN 0.10.0, run this from the example folder:
docker run \
-v $PWD/client.yaml:/app/client.yaml \
-e FEDN_DATA_PATH=/app/package/data/clients/1/ \ run client -in client.yaml --force-ssl --secure=True
Distributed deployment on a local network
You can use different hosts for the various FEDn services. These instructions shows how to set up FEDn on a local network using a single workstation or laptop as the host for the servier-side components, and other hosts or devices as clients.
For a secure and production-grade deployment solution over public networks, explore the FEDn Studio service at
Alternatively follow this tutorial substituting the hosts local IP with your public IP, open the neccesary ports (see which ports are used in docker-compose.yaml), and ensure you have taken additional neccesary security precautions.
Prerequisites - One host workstation and atleast one client device - Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11 - Docker - Docker Compose
Launch a distributed FEDn Network
Start by noting your host’s local IP address, used within your network. Discover it by running ifconfig on UNIX or ipconfig on Windows, typically listed under inet for Unix and IPv4 for Windows.
Continue by following the standard procedure to initiate a FEDn network, for example using the provided docker-compose template. Once the network is active, upload your compute package and seed (for comprehensive details, see the quickstart tutorials).
This guide covers general local networks where server and client may be on different hosts but able to communicate on their private IPs. A common scenario is also to run fedn and the clients on localhost on a single machine. In that case, you can replace <host local ip> by “” below.
Configuring and Attaching Clients
On your client device, continue with initializing your client. To connect to the host machine we need to ensure we are routing the correct DNS to our hosts local IP address. We can do this using the standard FEDn client.yaml:
network_id: fedn-network
discover_host: api-server
discover_port: 8092
We can then run a client using docker by adding the hostname:ip mapping in the docker run command:
docker run \
-v $PWD/client.yaml:<client.yaml file location> \
<potentiel data pointers>
—add-host=api-server:<host local ip> \
—add-host=combiner:<host local ip> \
<image name> run client -in client.yaml --name client1
Alternatively updating the /etc/hosts file, appending the following lines for running naitively:
<host local ip> api-server
<host local ip> combiner