fedn.network.clients package

The FEDn client package is responsible for executing the federated learning tasks, including ML model training and validation. It’s the acting gRPC client for the federated network. The client first connacts the centralized controller to receive fedn.network.combiner.Combiner assingment. The client then connects to the combiner and sends requests to the combiner to receive model updates and send model updates.


fedn.network.clients.client module

fedn.network.clients.connect module

class fedn.network.clients.connect.ConnectorClient(host, port, token, name, remote_package, force_ssl=False, verify=False, combiner=None, id=None)[source]

Bases: object

Connector for assigning client to a combiner in the FEDn network.

  • host (str) – host of discovery service

  • port (int) – port of discovery service

  • token (str) – token for authentication

  • name (str) – name of client

  • remote_package (bool) – True if remote package is used, False if local

  • force_ssl (bool) – True if https is used, False if http

  • verify (bool) – True if certificate is verified, False if not

  • combiner (str) – name of preferred combiner

  • id – id of client


Connect client to FEDn network discovery service, ask for combiner assignment.


Tuple with assingment status, combiner connection information if sucessful, else None.

Return type:

tuple(fedn.network.clients.connect.Status, str)


Refresh client token.


Tuple with assingment status, combiner connection information if sucessful, else None.

Return type:

tuple(fedn.network.clients.connect.Status, str)

class fedn.network.clients.connect.Status(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for representing the status of a client assignment.

Assigned = 1
TryAgain = 2
UnAuthorized = 3
UnMatchedConfig = 4
Unassigned = 0

fedn.network.clients.package module

fedn.network.clients.state module

class fedn.network.clients.state.ClientState(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum for representing the state of a client.

idle = 1
predicting = 4
training = 2
validating = 3

Convert a ClientState to a string representation.


state (fedn.network.clients.state.ClientState) – the state to convert


string representation of the state

Return type:


fedn.network.clients.test_client module