Modifying Server Functionality

FEDn provides an interface where you can implement your own server-side logic directly into FEDn Studio by utilizing the ServerFunctions class. This enables advanced customization of the server’s behavior while working with FEDn. You can for example implement custom client selection logic, adjust hyperparameters, or implement a custom aggregation algorithm.

Requirements for ServerFunctions Implementation

The ServerFunctions class has specific requirements for proper instantiation at the server:

  1. Class Name: The implemented class must be named ServerFunctions.

  2. Allowed Imports: Only a pre-defined list of Python packages is available for use within a ServerFunctions implementation for compatibility and security reasons. You can find the allowed packages at:

Overridable Methods

The ServerFunctions class provides three methods that can optionally be overridden. If you choose not to override one or several of these, FEDn will execute its default behavior for that functionality.

The base class defining these methods and their types is:

The methods available for customization are:

  1. client_selection(client_ids: List[str]) -> List[str]: Called at the beginning of a round to select clients.

  2. client_settings(global_model: List[np.ndarray]) -> dict: Called before sending the global model to configure client-specific settings.

  3. aggregate(previous_global: List[np.ndarray], client_updates: Dict[str, Tuple[List[np.ndarray], dict]]) -> List[np.ndarray]: Called after receiving client updates to aggregate them into a new global model.

Example: Customizing Server Functions

Below is an example of how to implement custom server functionality in a ServerFunctions class.

from fedn.common.log_config import logger
from import Dict, List, ServerFunctionsBase, Tuple, np, random

class ServerFunctions(ServerFunctionsBase):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.round = 0  # Keep track of training rounds = 0.1  # Initial learning rate

    def client_selection(self, client_ids: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        # Select up to 10 random clients
        return random.sample(client_ids, min(len(client_ids), 10))

    def client_settings(self, global_model: List[np.ndarray]) -> dict:
        # Adjust the learning rate every 10 rounds
        if self.round % 10 == 0:
   *= 0.1
        self.round += 1
        return {"learning_rate":}

    def aggregate(self, previous_global: List[np.ndarray], client_updates: Dict[str, Tuple[List[np.ndarray], dict]]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        # Implement a weighted FedAvg aggregation
        weighted_sum = [np.zeros_like(param) for param in previous_global]
        total_weight = 0
        for client_id, (client_parameters, metadata) in client_updates.items():
            num_examples = metadata.get("num_examples", 1)
            total_weight += num_examples
            for i, param in enumerate(client_parameters):
                weighted_sum[i] += param * num_examples"Models aggregated")
        return [param / total_weight for param in weighted_sum]

Using ServerFunctions in FEDn Studio

To use your custom ServerFunctions code in FEDn Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Your Environment:

    Ensure you have an API token for your project. Retrieve it from the “Settings” page in FEDn Studio and add it to your environment:

    export FEDN_AUTH_TOKEN=<your_access_token>
  2. Connect Using the API Client:

    Connect to your FEDn project using the APIClient. Replace <controller-host> with the address found on the Studio dashboard.

    from fedn import APIClient
    client = APIClient(host="<controller-host>", secure=True, verify=True)
  3. Start a Session with ``ServerFunctions``:

    After uploading a model seed, compute package, and connecting clients, you can start a session with your custom ServerFunctions class:

    from server_functions import ServerFunctions
  4. Monitor Logs:

    Logs from your ServerFunctions implementation can be viewed on the Studio dashboard under the “Logs” section.


This modular interface enables you to integrate your specific server-side logic into your FEDn federated learning pipeline.