Source code for

import copy
import datetime
import time
import uuid

from tenacity import retry, retry_if_exception_type, stop_after_delay, wait_random

from fedn.common.log_config import logger
from import CombinerUnavailableError
from import load_model_from_BytesIO
from import RoundConfig
from import ControlBase
from import ReducerState

[docs] class UnsupportedStorageBackend(Exception): """Exception class for when storage backend is not supported. Passes""" def __init__(self, message): """Constructor method. :param message: The exception message. :type message: str """ self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
[docs] class MisconfiguredStorageBackend(Exception): """Exception class for when storage backend is misconfigured. :param message: The exception message. :type message: str """ def __init__(self, message): """Constructor method.""" self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
[docs] class NoModelException(Exception): """Exception class for when model is None :param message: The exception message. :type message: str """ def __init__(self, message): """Constructor method.""" self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
[docs] class CombinersNotDoneException(Exception): """Exception class for when model is None""" def __init__(self, message): """Constructor method. :param message: The exception message. :type message: str """ self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
[docs] class SessionTerminatedException(Exception): """Exception class for when session is terminated""" def __init__(self, message): """Constructor method. :param message: The exception message. :type message: str """ self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
[docs] class Control(ControlBase): """Controller, implementing the overall global training, validation and inference logic. :param statestore: A StateStorage instance. :type statestore: class: `` """ def __init__(self, statestore): """Constructor method.""" super().__init__(statestore) = "DefaultControl"
[docs] def start_session(self, session_id: str, rounds: int, round_timeout: int) -> None: if self._state == ReducerState.instructing:"Controller already in INSTRUCTING state. A session is in progress.") return if not self.statestore.get_latest_model(): logger.warning("No model in model chain, please provide a seed model!") return self._state = ReducerState.instructing session = self.statestore.get_session(session_id) if not session: logger.error("Session not found.") return session_config = session["session_config"] if not session_config or not isinstance(session_config, dict): logger.error("Session not properly configured.") return if round_timeout is not None: session_config["round_timeout"] = round_timeout self._state = ReducerState.monitoring last_round = int(self.get_latest_round_id()) aggregator = session_config["aggregator"] session_config["session_id"] = session_id for combiner in combiner.set_aggregator(aggregator) self.set_session_status(session_id, "Started") for round in range(1, rounds + 1): if last_round: current_round = last_round + round else: current_round = round try: if self.get_session_status(session_id) == "Terminated":"Session terminated.") break _, round_data = self.round(session_config, str(current_round)) except TypeError as e: logger.error("Failed to execute round: {0}".format(e))"Round completed with status {}".format(round_data["status"])) session_config["model_id"] = self.statestore.get_latest_model() if self.get_session_status(session_id) == "Started": self.set_session_status(session_id, "Finished") self._state = ReducerState.idle self.set_session_config(session_id, session_config)
[docs] def session(self, config: RoundConfig) -> None: """Execute a new training session. A session consists of one or several global rounds. All rounds in the same session have the same round_config. :param config: The session config. :type config: dict """ if self._state == ReducerState.instructing:"Controller already in INSTRUCTING state. A session is in progress.") return if not self.statestore.get_latest_model(): logger.warning("No model in model chain, please provide a seed model!") return self._state = ReducerState.instructing config["committed_at"] = self.create_session(config) self._state = ReducerState.monitoring last_round = int(self.get_latest_round_id()) for combiner in combiner.set_aggregator(config["aggregator"]) self.set_session_status(config["session_id"], "Started") # Execute the rounds in this session for round in range(1, int(config["rounds"] + 1)): # Increment the round number if last_round: current_round = last_round + round else: current_round = round try: if self.get_session_status(config["session_id"]) == "Terminated":"Session terminated.") break _, round_data = self.round(config, str(current_round)) except TypeError as e: logger.error("Failed to execute round: {0}".format(e))"Round completed with status {}".format(round_data["status"])) config["model_id"] = self.statestore.get_latest_model() # TODO: Report completion of session if self.get_session_status(config["session_id"]) == "Started": self.set_session_status(config["session_id"], "Finished") self._state = ReducerState.idle
[docs] def inference_session(self, config: RoundConfig) -> None: """Execute a new inference session. :param config: The round config. :type config: InferenceConfig :return: None """ if self._state == ReducerState.instructing:"Controller already in INSTRUCTING state. A session is in progress.") return if len( < 1: logger.warning("Inference round cannot start, no combiners connected!") return if "model_id" not in config.keys(): config["model_id"] = self.statestore.get_latest_model() config["committed_at"] = config["task"] = "inference" config["rounds"] = str(1) config["clients_required"] = 1 participating_combiners = self.get_participating_combiners(config) # Check if the policy to start the round is met, Default is number of combiners > 0 round_start = self.evaluate_round_start_policy(participating_combiners) if round_start:"Inference round start policy met, {} participating combiners.".format(len(participating_combiners))) for combiner, _ in participating_combiners: combiner.submit(config)"Inference round submitted to combiner {}".format(combiner))
[docs] def round(self, session_config: RoundConfig, round_id: str): """Execute one global round. : param session_config: The session config. : type session_config: dict : param round_id: The round id. : type round_id: str """ session_id = session_config["session_id"] self.create_round({"round_id": round_id, "status": "Pending"}) if len( < 1: logger.warning("Round cannot start, no combiners connected!") self.set_round_status(round_id, "Failed") return None, self.statestore.get_round(round_id) # Assemble round config for this global round round_config = copy.deepcopy(session_config) round_config["rounds"] = 1 round_config["round_id"] = round_id round_config["task"] = "training" round_config["session_id"] = session_id self.set_round_config(round_id, round_config) # Get combiners that are able to participate in the round, given round_config participating_combiners = self.get_participating_combiners(round_config) # Check if the policy to start the round is met round_start = self.evaluate_round_start_policy(participating_combiners) if round_start:"round start policy met, {} participating combiners.".format(len(participating_combiners))) else: logger.warning("Round start policy not met, skipping round!") self.set_round_status(round_id, "Failed") return None, self.statestore.get_round(round_id) # Ask participating combiners to coordinate model updates _ = self.request_model_updates(participating_combiners) # TODO: Check response # Wait until participating combiners have produced an updated global model, # or round times out. def do_if_round_times_out(result): logger.warning("Round timed out!") return True @retry( wait=wait_random(min=1.0, max=2.0), stop=stop_after_delay(session_config["round_timeout"]), retry_error_callback=do_if_round_times_out, retry=retry_if_exception_type(CombinersNotDoneException), ) def combiners_done(): round = self.statestore.get_round(round_id) session_status = self.get_session_status(session_id) if session_status == "Terminated": self.set_round_status(round_id, "Terminated") return False if "combiners" not in round:"Waiting for combiners to update model...") raise CombinersNotDoneException("Combiners have not yet reported.") if len(round["combiners"]) < len(participating_combiners):"Waiting for combiners to update model...") raise CombinersNotDoneException("All combiners have not yet reported.") return True combiners_are_done = combiners_done() if not combiners_are_done: return None, self.statestore.get_round(round_id) # Due to the distributed nature of the computation, there might be a # delay before combiners have reported the round data to the db, # so we need some robustness here. @retry(wait=wait_random(min=0.1, max=1.0), retry=retry_if_exception_type(KeyError)) def check_combiners_done_reporting(): round = self.statestore.get_round(round_id) combiners = round["combiners"] return combiners _ = check_combiners_done_reporting() round = self.statestore.get_round(round_id) round_valid = self.evaluate_round_validity_policy(round) if not round_valid: logger.error("Round failed. Invalid - evaluate_round_validity_policy: False") self.set_round_status(round_id, "Failed") return None, self.statestore.get_round(round_id)"Reducing combiner level models...") # Reduce combiner models into a new global model round_data = {} try: round = self.statestore.get_round(round_id) model, data = self.reduce(round["combiners"]) round_data["reduce"] = data"Done reducing models from combiners!") except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to reduce models from combiners, reason: {}".format(e)) self.set_round_status(round_id, "Failed") return None, self.statestore.get_round(round_id) # Commit the new global model to the model trail if model is not None:"Committing global model to model trail...") tic = time.time() model_id = uuid.uuid4() session_id = session_config["session_id"] if "session_id" in session_config else None self.commit(model_id, model, session_id) round_data["time_commit"] = time.time() - tic"Done committing global model to model trail.") else: logger.error("Failed to commit model to global model trail.") self.set_round_status(round_id, "Failed") return None, self.statestore.get_round(round_id) self.set_round_status(round_id, "Success") # 4. Trigger participating combiner nodes to execute a validation round for the current model validate = session_config["validate"] if validate: combiner_config = copy.deepcopy(session_config) combiner_config["round_id"] = round_id combiner_config["model_id"] = self.statestore.get_latest_model() combiner_config["task"] = "validation" combiner_config["helper_type"] = self.statestore.get_helper() validating_combiners = self.get_participating_combiners(combiner_config) for combiner, combiner_config in validating_combiners: try:"Submitting validation round to combiner {}".format(combiner)) combiner.submit(combiner_config) except CombinerUnavailableError: self._handle_unavailable_combiner(combiner) pass self.set_round_data(round_id, round_data) self.set_round_status(round_id, "Finished") return model_id, self.statestore.get_round(round_id)
[docs] def reduce(self, combiners): """Combine updated models from Combiner nodes into one global model. : param combiners: dict of combiner names(key) and model IDs(value) to reduce : type combiners: dict """ meta = {} meta["time_fetch_model"] = 0.0 meta["time_load_model"] = 0.0 meta["time_aggregate_model"] = 0.0 i = 1 model = None for combiner in combiners: name = combiner["name"] model_id = combiner["model_id"]"Fetching model ({}) from model repository".format(model_id)) try: tic = time.time() data = self.model_repository.get_model(model_id) meta["time_fetch_model"] += time.time() - tic except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to fetch model from model repository {}: {}".format(name, e)) data = None if data is not None: try: tic = time.time() helper = self.get_helper() model_next = load_model_from_BytesIO(data, helper) meta["time_load_model"] += time.time() - tic tic = time.time() model = helper.increment_average(model, model_next, 1.0, i) meta["time_aggregate_model"] += time.time() - tic except Exception: tic = time.time() model = load_model_from_BytesIO(data, helper) meta["time_aggregate_model"] += time.time() - tic i = i + 1 self.model_repository.delete_model(model_id) return model, meta
[docs] def infer_instruct(self, config): """Main entrypoint for executing the inference compute plan. : param config: configuration for the inference round """ # Check/set instucting state if self.__state == ReducerState.instructing:"Already set in INSTRUCTING state") return self.__state = ReducerState.instructing # Check for a model chain if not self.statestore.latest_model(): logger.warning("No model in model chain, please set seed model.") # Set reducer in monitoring state self.__state = ReducerState.monitoring # Start inference round try: self.inference_round(config) except TypeError: logger.error("Round failed.") # Set reducer in idle state self.__state = ReducerState.idle
[docs] def inference_round(self, config): """Execute an inference round. : param config: configuration for the inference round """ # Init meta round_data = {} # Check for at least one combiner in statestore if len( < 1: logger.warning("No combiners connected!") return round_data # Setup combiner configuration combiner_config = copy.deepcopy(config) combiner_config["model_id"] = self.statestore.get_latest_model() combiner_config["task"] = "inference" combiner_config["helper_type"] = self.statestore.get_framework() # Select combiners validating_combiners = self.get_participating_combiners(combiner_config) # Test round start policy round_start = self.check_round_start_policy(validating_combiners) if round_start:"Round start policy met, participating combiners {}".format(validating_combiners)) else: logger.warning("Round start policy not met, skipping round!") return None # Synch combiners with latest model and trigger inference for combiner, combiner_config in validating_combiners: try: combiner.submit(combiner_config) except CombinerUnavailableError: # It is OK if inference fails for a combiner self._handle_unavailable_combiner(combiner) pass return round_data