# This file contains the Connector class for assigning client to the FEDn network via the discovery service (REST-API).
# The Connector class is used by the Client class in fedn/network/clients/client.py.
# Once assigned, the client will retrieve combiner assignment from the discovery service.
# The discovery service will also add the client to the statestore.
import enum
import requests
class Status(enum.Enum):
""" Enum for representing the status of a client assignment."""
Unassigned = 0
Assigned = 1
TryAgain = 2
UnAuthorized = 3
UnMatchedConfig = 4
class ConnectorClient:
""" Connector for assigning client to a combiner in the FEDn network.
:param host: host of discovery service
:type host: str
:param port: port of discovery service
:type port: int
:param token: token for authentication
:type token: str
:param name: name of client
:type name: str
:param remote_package: True if remote package is used, False if local
:type remote_package: bool
:param force_ssl: True if https is used, False if http
:type force_ssl: bool
:param verify: True if certificate is verified, False if not
:type verify: bool
:param combiner: name of preferred combiner
:type combiner: str
:param id: id of client
def __init__(self, host, port, token, name, remote_package, force_ssl=False, verify=False, combiner=None, id=None):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.token = token
self.name = name
self.verify = verify
self.preferred_combiner = combiner
self.id = id
self.package = 'remote' if remote_package else 'local'
# for https we assume a an ingress handles permanent redirect (308)
if force_ssl:
self.prefix = "https://"
self.prefix = "http://"
if self.port:
self.connect_string = "{}{}:{}".format(
self.prefix, self.host, self.port)
self.connect_string = "{}{}".format(
self.prefix, self.host)
print("\n\nsetting the connection string to {}\n\n".format(
self.connect_string), flush=True)
def assign(self):
Connect client to FEDn network discovery service, ask for combiner assignment.
:return: Tuple with assingment status, combiner connection information if sucessful, else None.
:rtype: tuple(:class:`fedn.network.clients.connect.Status`, str)
retval = None
payload = {'client_id': self.name, 'preferred_combiner': self.preferred_combiner}
retval = requests.post(self.connect_string + '/add_client',
headers={'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(self.token)})
except Exception as e:
print('***** {}'.format(e), flush=True)
return Status.Unassigned, {}
if retval.status_code == 400:
# Get error messange from response
reason = retval.json()['message']
return Status.UnMatchedConfig, reason
if retval.status_code == 401:
reason = "Unauthorized connection to reducer, make sure the correct token is set"
return Status.UnAuthorized, reason
if retval.status_code >= 200 and retval.status_code < 204:
if retval.json()['status'] == 'retry':
if 'message' in retval.json():
reason = retval.json()['message']
reason = "Reducer was not ready. Try again later."
return Status.TryAgain, reason
reducer_package = retval.json()['package']
if reducer_package != self.package:
reason = "Unmatched config of compute package between client and reducer.\n" +\
"Reducer uses {} package and client uses {}.".format(
reducer_package, self.package)
return Status.UnMatchedConfig, reason
return Status.Assigned, retval.json()
return Status.Unassigned, None