- Introduction to Federated Learning
- Quickstart Tutorial PyTorch (MNIST)
- Prerequisites
- Launch a pseudo-distributed FEDn Network
- Install the FEDn SDK
- Prepare the compute package and seed the FEDn network
- Configure and attach clients
- Start a training session
- Automate experimentation with several clients
- Access logs and validation data from MongoDB
- Access model updates
- Clean up
- Where to go from here?
- APIClient
- Compute Package
- Architecture overview
- Aggregators
- Model Serialization/Deserialization - Helpers
- Frequently asked questions
- Q: How do I remove/replace the compute package?
- Q: Can I skip fetching the remote package and instead use a local folder when developing the compute package
- Q: How can other aggregation algorithms can be defined?
- Q: What is needed to include other ML frameworks in FEDn like sklearn, xgboost, etc.?
- Q: Can I start a client listening only to training requests or only on validation requests?:
- Q: How do you approach the question of output privacy?
- API reference