Quickstart Tutorial PyTorch (MNIST)
This tutorial is a quickstart guide to FEDn where the federated learning project has been defined
using an already implemented compute package
. This turorial is a good starting point for developers, however,
head over to Compute Package when you are ready to define your own federated learning projects.
This classic example of hand-written text recognition is well suited as a lightweight test when developing on FEDn in pseudo-distributed mode. A normal high-end laptop or a workstation should be able to sustain a few clients. The example automates the partitioning of data and deployment of a variable number of clients on a single host. We here assume working experience with containers, Docker and docker-compose.
Launch a pseudo-distributed FEDn Network
Clone this repository, locate into it and start a pseudo-distributed FEDn network using docker-compose:
docker-compose up
This starts up the needed backend services MongoDB and Minio, the API Server and one Combiner. You can verify the deployment using these urls:
API Server: http://localhost:8092/get_controller_status
Minio: http://localhost:9000
Mongo Express: http://localhost:8081
The FEDn network is configured to use a local Minio and MongoDB instances for storage. This is not suitable for production, but is fine for testing.
Install the FEDn SDK
To programmatically interact with the FEDn network use the APIClient. Install the FEDn via pip:
$ pip install fedn
# or from source
$ cd fedn/fedn
$ pip install .
Prepare the compute package and seed the FEDn network
Next, we will prepare the client. A key concept in FEDn is the compute package - a code bundle that contains entrypoints for training and (optionally) validating a model update on the client.
Locate into examples/mnist-pytorch
and familiarize yourself with the project structure. The entrypoints
are defined in ‘client/entrypoint’. The dependencies needed in the client environment are specified in
. For convenience, we have provided utility scripts to set up a virtual environment.
Start by initializing a virtual enviroment with all of the required dependencies for this project.
Now create the compute package and an initial model:
Upload the compute package and seed model to FEDn:
>>> from fedn import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(host="localhost", port=8092)
>>> client.set_package("package.tgz", helper="numpyhelper")
>>> client.set_initial_model("seed.npz")
Configure and attach clients
The next step is to configure and attach clients. For this we need to download data and make data partitions:
Download the data:
Split the data in 2 parts for the clients:
Data partitions will be generated in the folder ‘data/clients’.
FEDn relies on a configuration file for the client to connect to the server. Create a file called ‘client.yaml’ with the follwing content:
network_id: fedn-network
discover_host: api-server
discover_port: 8092
(optional) Use the APIClient to fetch the client configuration and save it to a file:
>>> import yaml
>>> config = client.get_client_config(checksum=True)
>>> with open("client.yaml", "w") as f:
>>> f.write(yaml.dump(config))
Make sure to move the file client.yaml
to the root of the examples/mnist-pytorch folder.
To connect a client that uses the data partition data/clients/1/mnist.pt
and the config file client.yaml
to the network, run the following docker command:
docker run \
-v $PWD/client.yaml:/app/client.yaml \
-v $PWD/data/clients/1:/var/data \
-e ENTRYPOINT_OPTS=--data_path=/var/data/mnist.pt \
--network=fedn_default \
ghcr.io/scaleoutsystems/fedn/fedn:0.8.0-mnist-pytorch run client -in client.yaml --name client1
Start a training session
Observe the API Server logs and combiner logs, you should see the client connecting. You are now ready to start training the model. In the python enviroment you installed FEDn:
>>> ...
>>> client.start_session(session_id="test-session", rounds=3)
# Wait for training to complete, when controller is idle:
>>> client.get_controller_status()
# Show model trail:
>>> client.get_model_trail()
# Show model performance:
>>> client.list_validations()
Please see fedn.network.api
for more details on the APIClient.
There is also a Jupyter Notebook version of this tutorial including examples of how to fetch and visualize model validations.
Automate experimentation with several clients
You can use the provided docker-compose templates to automate deployment of FEDn and clients.
Split the dataset in 4 partitions:
bin/split_data --num_splits=4
To start 4 clients, standing in examples/mnist-pytorch
, run the following docker compose command:
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.override.yaml up --scale client=4
Access logs and validation data from MongoDB
You can access and download event logs and validation data via the API, and you can also as a developer obtain the MongoDB backend data using pymongo or via the MongoExpress interface:
The credentials are as set in docker-compose.yaml in the root of the repository.
Access model updates
You can obtain model updates from the ‘fedn-models’ bucket in Minio:
Clean up
You can clean up by running
docker-compose down
Where to go from here?
With you first FEDn federation deployed, we suggest that you take a close look at how a FEDn project is structured and how you develop your own compute package:
Compute package: Compute Package