Source code for

import copy
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

import pymongo
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict

from fedn.common.log_config import logger
from import ReducerStateToString, StringToReducerState

[docs] class MongoStateStore: """Statestore implementation using MongoDB. :param network_id: The network id. :type network_id: str :param config: The statestore configuration. :type config: dict :param defaults: The default configuration. Given by config/settings-reducer.yaml.template :type defaults: dict """ def __init__(self, network_id, config): """Constructor.""" self.__inited = False try: self.config = config self.network_id = network_id self.mdb = self.connect() # FEDn network = self.mdb["network"] self.reducer =["reducer"] self.combiners =["combiners"] self.clients =["clients"] =["storage"] # Control self.control = self.mdb["control"] self.package = self.control["package"] self.state = self.control["state"] self.model = self.control["model"] self.sessions = self.control["sessions"] self.rounds = self.control["rounds"] self.validations = self.control["validations"] # Logging self.status = self.control["status"] self.__inited = True except Exception as e: logger.error("FAILED TO CONNECT TO MONGODB, {}".format(e)) self.state = None self.model = None self.control = None = None self.combiners = None self.clients = None raise self.init_index()
[docs] def connect(self): """Establish client connection to MongoDB. :param config: Dictionary containing connection strings and security credentials. :type config: dict :param network_id: Unique identifier for the FEDn network, used as db name :type network_id: str :return: MongoDB client pointing to the db corresponding to network_id """ try: mc = pymongo.MongoClient(**self.config) # This is so that we check that the connection is live mc.server_info() mdb = mc[self.network_id] return mdb except Exception: raise
[docs] def init_index(self): self.package.create_index([("id", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
[docs] def is_inited(self): """Check if the statestore is intialized. :return: True if initialized, else False. :rtype: bool """ return self.__inited
[docs] def get_config(self): """Retrive the statestore config. :return: The statestore config. :rtype: dict """ data = { "type": "MongoDB", "mongo_config": self.config, "network_id": self.network_id, } return data
[docs] def state(self): """Get the current state. :return: The current state. :rtype: str """ return StringToReducerState(self.state.find_one()["current_state"])
[docs] def transition(self, state): """Transition to a new state. :param state: The new state. :type state: str :return: """ old_state = self.state.find_one({"state": "current_state"}) if old_state != state: return self.state.update_one( {"state": "current_state"}, {"$set": {"state": ReducerStateToString(state)}}, True, ) else:"Not updating state, already in {}".format(ReducerStateToString(state)))
[docs] def get_sessions(self, limit=None, skip=None, sort_key="_id", sort_order=pymongo.DESCENDING): """Get all sessions. :param limit: The maximum number of sessions to return. :type limit: int :param skip: The number of sessions to skip. :type skip: int :param sort_key: The key to sort by. :type sort_key: str :param sort_order: The sort order. :type sort_order: pymongo.ASCENDING or pymongo.DESCENDING :return: Dictionary of sessions in result (array of session objects) and count. """ result = None if limit is not None and skip is not None: limit = int(limit) skip = int(skip) result = self.sessions.find().limit(limit).skip(skip).sort(sort_key, sort_order) else: result = self.sessions.find().sort(sort_key, sort_order) count = self.sessions.count_documents({}) return { "result": result, "count": count, }
[docs] def get_session(self, session_id): """Get session with id. :param session_id: The session id. :type session_id: str :return: The session. :rtype: ObjectID """ return self.sessions.find_one({"session_id": session_id})
[docs] def set_latest_model(self, model_id, session_id=None): """Set the latest model id. :param model_id: The model id. :type model_id: str :return: """ committed_at = current_model = self.model.find_one({"key": "current_model"}) parent_model = None # if session_id is set the it means the model is generated from a session # and we need to set the parent model # if not the model is uploaded by the user and we don't need to set the parent model if session_id is not None: parent_model = current_model["model"] if current_model and "model" in current_model else None self.model.insert_one( { "key": "models", "model": model_id, "parent_model": parent_model, "session_id": session_id, "committed_at": committed_at, } ) self.model.update_one({"key": "current_model"}, {"$set": {"model": model_id}}, True) self.model.update_one( {"key": "model_trail"}, { "$push": { "model": model_id, "committed_at": str(committed_at), } }, True, )
[docs] def get_initial_model(self): """Return model_id for the initial model in the model trail :return: The initial model id. None if no model is found. :rtype: str """ result = self.model.find_one({"key": "model_trail"}, sort=[("committed_at", pymongo.ASCENDING)]) if result is None: return None try: model_id = result["model"] if model_id == "" or model_id == " ": return None return model_id[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None
[docs] def get_latest_model(self): """Return model_id for the latest model in the model_trail :return: The latest model id. None if no model is found. :rtype: str """ result = self.model.find_one({"key": "current_model"}) if result is None: return None try: model_id = result["model"] if model_id == "" or model_id == " ": return None return model_id except (KeyError, IndexError): return None
[docs] def set_current_model(self, model_id: str): """Set the current model in statestore. :param model_id: The model id. :type model_id: str :return: """ try: committed_at = existing_model = self.model.find_one({"key": "models", "model": model_id}) if existing_model is not None: self.model.update_one({"key": "current_model"}, {"$set": {"model": model_id, "committed_at": committed_at, "session_id": None}}, True) return True except Exception as e: logger.error("ERROR: {}".format(e)) return False
[docs] def get_latest_round(self): """Get the id of the most recent round. :return: The id of the most recent round. :rtype: ObjectId """ return self.rounds.find_one(sort=[("_id", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
[docs] def get_round(self, id): """Get round with id. :param id: id of round to get :type id: int :return: round with id, reducer and combiners :rtype: ObjectId """ return self.rounds.find_one({"round_id": str(id)})
[docs] def get_rounds(self): """Get all rounds. :return: All rounds. :rtype: ObjectId """ return self.rounds.find()
[docs] def get_validations(self, **kwargs): """Get validations from the database. :param kwargs: query to filter validations :type kwargs: dict :return: validations matching query :rtype: ObjectId """ result = self.control.validations.find(kwargs) return result
[docs] def set_active_compute_package(self, id: str): """Set the active compute package in statestore. :param id: The id of the compute package (not document _id). :type id: str :return: True if successful. :rtype: bool """ try: find = {"id": id} projection = {"_id": False, "key": False} doc = self.control.package.find_one(find, projection) if doc is None: return False doc["key"] = "active" self.control.package.replace_one({"key": "active"}, doc) except Exception as e: logger.error("ERROR: {}".format(e)) return False return True
[docs] def set_compute_package(self, file_name: str, storage_file_name: str, helper_type: str, name: str = None, description: str = None): """Set the active compute package in statestore. :param file_name: The file_name of the compute package. :type file_name: str :return: True if successful. :rtype: bool """ obj = { "file_name": file_name, "storage_file_name": storage_file_name, "helper": helper_type, "committed_at":, "name": name, "description": description, "id": str(uuid.uuid4()), } self.control.package.update_one( {"key": "active"}, {"$set": obj}, True, ) trail_obj = {**{"key": "package_trail"}, **obj} self.control.package.insert_one(trail_obj) return True
[docs] def get_compute_package(self): """Get the active compute package. :return: The active compute package. :rtype: ObjectID """ try: find = {"key": "active"} projection = {"key": False, "_id": False} ret = self.control.package.find_one(find, projection) return ret except Exception as e: logger.error("ERROR: {}".format(e)) return None
[docs] def list_compute_packages(self, limit: int = None, skip: int = None, sort_key="committed_at", sort_order=pymongo.DESCENDING): """List compute packages in the statestore (paginated). :param limit: The maximum number of compute packages to return. :type limit: int :param skip: The number of compute packages to skip. :type skip: int :param sort_key: The key to sort by. :type sort_key: str :param sort_order: The sort order. :type sort_order: pymongo.ASCENDING or pymongo.DESCENDING :return: Dictionary of compute packages in result and count. :rtype: dict """ result = None count = None find_option = {"key": "package_trail"} projection = {"key": False, "_id": False} try: if limit is not None and skip is not None: result = self.control.package.find(find_option, projection).limit(limit).skip(skip).sort(sort_key, sort_order) else: result = self.control.package.find(find_option, projection).sort(sort_key, sort_order) count = self.control.package.count_documents(find_option) except Exception as e: logger.error("ERROR: {}".format(e)) return None return { "result": result or [], "count": count or 0, }
[docs] def set_helper(self, helper): """Set the active helper package in statestore. :param helper: The name of the helper package. See for available helpers. :type helper: str :return: """ self.control.package.update_one({"key": "active"}, {"$set": {"helper": helper}}, True)
[docs] def get_helper(self): """Get the active helper package. :return: The active helper set for the package. :rtype: str """ ret = self.control.package.find_one({"key": "active"}) # if local compute package used, then 'package' is None # if not ret: # get framework from round_config instead # ret = self.control.config.find_one({'key': 'round_config'}) try: retcheck = ret["helper"] if retcheck == "" or retcheck == " ": # ugly check for empty string return None return retcheck except (KeyError, IndexError): return None
[docs] def list_models( self, session_id=None, limit=None, skip=None, sort_key="committed_at", sort_order=pymongo.DESCENDING, ): """List all models in the statestore. :param session_id: The session id. :type session_id: str :param limit: The maximum number of models to return. :type limit: int :param skip: The number of models to skip. :type skip: int :return: List of models. :rtype: list """ result = None find_option = {"key": "models"} if session_id is None else {"key": "models", "session_id": session_id} projection = {"_id": False, "key": False} if limit is not None and skip is not None: limit = int(limit) skip = int(skip) result = self.model.find(find_option, projection).limit(limit).skip(skip).sort(sort_key, sort_order) else: result = self.model.find(find_option, projection).sort(sort_key, sort_order) count = self.model.count_documents(find_option) return { "result": result, "count": count, }
[docs] def get_model_trail(self): """Get the model trail. :return: dictionary of model_id: committed_at :rtype: dict """ # TODO Make it so that model order from db is preserved. result = self.model.find_one({"key": "model_trail"}) try: if result is not None: committed_at = result["committed_at"] model = result["model"] model_dictionary = dict(zip(model, committed_at)) return model_dictionary else: return None except (KeyError, IndexError): return None
[docs] def get_model_ancestors(self, model_id: str, limit: int): """Get the model ancestors. :param model_id: The model id. :type model_id: str :param limit: The maximum number of ancestors to return. :type limit: int :return: List of model ancestors. :rtype: list """ model = self.model.find_one({"key": "models", "model": model_id}) current_model_id = model["parent_model"] if model is not None else None result = [] for _ in range(limit): if current_model_id is None: break model = self.model.find_one({"key": "models", "model": current_model_id}) if model is not None: result.append(model) current_model_id = model["parent_model"] return result
[docs] def get_model_descendants(self, model_id: str, limit: int): """Get the model descendants. :param model_id: The model id. :type model_id: str :param limit: The maximum number of descendants to return. :type limit: int :return: List of model descendants. :rtype: list """ model: object = self.model.find_one({"key": "models", "model": model_id}) current_model_id: str = model["model"] if model is not None else None result: list = [] for _ in range(limit): if current_model_id is None: break model: str = self.model.find_one({"key": "models", "parent_model": current_model_id}) if model is not None: result.append(model) current_model_id = model["model"] result.reverse() return result
[docs] def get_model(self, model_id): """Get model with id. :param model_id: id of model to get :type model_id: str :return: model with id :rtype: ObjectId """ return self.model.find_one({"key": "models", "model": model_id})
[docs] def get_events(self, **kwargs): """Get events from the database. :param kwargs: query to filter events :type kwargs: dict :return: events matching query :rtype: ObjectId """ # check if kwargs is empty result = None count = None projection = {"_id": False} if not kwargs: result = self.control.status.find({}, projection).sort("timestamp", pymongo.DESCENDING) count = self.control.status.count_documents({}) else: limit = kwargs.pop("limit", None) skip = kwargs.pop("skip", None) if limit is not None and skip is not None: limit = int(limit) skip = int(skip) result = self.control.status.find(kwargs, projection).sort("timestamp", pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(limit).skip(skip) else: result = self.control.status.find(kwargs, projection).sort("timestamp", pymongo.DESCENDING) count = self.control.status.count_documents(kwargs) return { "result": result, "count": count, }
[docs] def get_storage_backend(self): """Get the storage backend. :return: The storage backend. :rtype: ObjectID """ try: ret ={"status": "enabled"}, projection={"_id": False}) return ret[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None
[docs] def set_storage_backend(self, config): """Set the storage backend. :param config: The storage backend configuration. :type config: dict :return: """ config = copy.deepcopy(config) config["updated_at"] = str( config["status"] = "enabled"{"storage_type": config["storage_type"]}, {"$set": config}, True)
[docs] def set_reducer(self, reducer_data): """Set the reducer in the statestore. :param reducer_data: dictionary of reducer config. :type reducer_data: dict :return: """ reducer_data["updated_at"] = str( self.reducer.update_one({"name": reducer_data["name"]}, {"$set": reducer_data}, True)
[docs] def get_reducer(self): """Get reducer.config. return: reducer config. rtype: ObjectId """ try: ret = self.reducer.find_one() return ret except Exception: return None
[docs] def get_combiner(self, name): """Get combiner by name. :param name: name of combiner to get. :type name: str :return: The combiner. :rtype: ObjectId """ try: ret = self.combiners.find_one({"name": name}) return ret except Exception: return None
[docs] def get_combiners(self, limit=None, skip=None, sort_key="updated_at", sort_order=pymongo.DESCENDING, projection={}): """Get all combiners. :param limit: The maximum number of combiners to return. :type limit: int :param skip: The number of combiners to skip. :type skip: int :param sort_key: The key to sort by. :type sort_key: str :param sort_order: The sort order. :type sort_order: pymongo.ASCENDING or pymongo.DESCENDING :param projection: The projection. :type projection: dict :return: Dictionary of combiners in result and count. :rtype: dict """ result = None count = None try: if limit is not None and skip is not None: limit = int(limit) skip = int(skip) result = self.combiners.find({}, projection).limit(limit).skip(skip).sort(sort_key, sort_order) else: result = self.combiners.find({}, projection).sort(sort_key, sort_order) count = self.combiners.count_documents({}) except Exception: return None return { "result": result, "count": count, }
[docs] def set_combiner(self, combiner_data): """Set combiner in statestore. :param combiner_data: dictionary of combiner config :type combiner_data: dict :return: """ combiner_data["updated_at"] = str( self.combiners.update_one({"name": combiner_data["name"]}, {"$set": combiner_data}, True)
[docs] def delete_combiner(self, combiner): """Delete a combiner from statestore. :param combiner: name of combiner to delete. :type combiner: str :return: """ try: self.combiners.delete_one({"name": combiner}) except Exception: logger.error( "Failed to delete combiner: {}".format(combiner), )
[docs] def set_client(self, client_data): """Set client in statestore. :param client_data: dictionary of client config. :type client_data: dict :return: """ client_data["updated_at"] = str( self.clients.update_one({"name": client_data["name"]}, {"$set": client_data}, True)
[docs] def get_client(self, name): """Get client by name. :param name: name of client to get. :type name: str :return: The client. None if not found. :rtype: ObjectId """ try: ret = self.clients.find({"key": name}) if list(ret) == []: return None else: return ret except Exception: return None
[docs] def list_clients(self, limit=None, skip=None, status=None, sort_key="last_seen", sort_order=pymongo.DESCENDING): """List all clients registered on the network. :param limit: The maximum number of clients to return. :type limit: int :param skip: The number of clients to skip. :type skip: int :param status: online | offline :type status: str :param sort_key: The key to sort by. """ result = None count = None try: find = {} if status is None else {"status": status} projection = {"_id": False, "updated_at": False} if limit is not None and skip is not None: limit = int(limit) skip = int(skip) result = self.clients.find(find, projection).limit(limit).skip(skip).sort(sort_key, sort_order) else: result = self.clients.find(find, projection).sort(sort_key, sort_order) count = self.clients.count_documents(find) except Exception as e: logger.error("{}".format(e)) return { "result": result, "count": count, }
[docs] def list_combiners_data(self, combiners, sort_key="count", sort_order=pymongo.DESCENDING): """List all combiner data. :param combiners: list of combiners to get data for. :type combiners: list :param sort_key: The key to sort by. :type sort_key: str :param sort_order: The sort order. :type sort_order: pymongo.ASCENDING or pymongo.DESCENDING :return: list of combiner data. :rtype: list(ObjectId) """ result = None try: pipeline = ( [ {"$match": {"combiner": {"$in": combiners}, "status": "online"}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$combiner", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$sort": {sort_key: sort_order, "_id": pymongo.ASCENDING}}, ] if combiners is not None else [{"$group": {"_id": "$combiner", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$sort": {sort_key: sort_order, "_id": pymongo.ASCENDING}}] ) result = self.clients.aggregate(pipeline) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return result
[docs] def report_status(self, msg): """Write status message to the database. :param msg: The status message. :type msg: str """ data = MessageToDict(msg, including_default_value_fields=True) if self.status is not None: self.status.insert_one(data)
[docs] def report_validation(self, validation): """Write model validation to database. :param validation: The model validation. :type validation: dict """ data = MessageToDict(validation, including_default_value_fields=True) if self.validations is not None: self.validations.insert_one(data)
[docs] def drop_status(self): """Drop the status collection.""" if self.status: self.status.drop()
[docs] def create_session(self, id=None): """Create a new session object. :param id: The ID of the created session. :type id: uuid, str """ if not id: id = uuid.uuid4() data = {"session_id": str(id)} self.sessions.insert_one(data)
[docs] def create_round(self, round_data): """Create a new round. :param round_data: Dictionary with round data. :type round_data: dict """ # TODO: Add check if round_id already exists self.rounds.insert_one(round_data)
[docs] def set_session_config(self, id, config): """Set the session configuration. :param id: The session id :type id: str :param config: Session configuration :type config: dict """ self.sessions.update_one({"session_id": str(id)}, {"$push": {"session_config": config}}, True)
[docs] def set_session_status(self, id, status): """Set session status. :param round_id: The round unique identifier :type round_id: str :param round_status: The status of the session. """ self.sessions.update_one({"session_id": str(id)}, {"$set": {"status": status}}, True)
[docs] def set_round_combiner_data(self, data): """Set combiner round controller data. :param data: The combiner data :type data: dict """ self.rounds.update_one({"round_id": str(data["round_id"])}, {"$push": {"combiners": data}}, True)
[docs] def set_round_config(self, round_id, round_config): """Set round configuration. :param round_id: The round unique identifier :type round_id: str :param round_config: The round configuration :type round_config: dict """ self.rounds.update_one({"round_id": round_id}, {"$set": {"round_config": round_config}}, True)
[docs] def set_round_status(self, round_id, round_status): """Set round status. :param round_id: The round unique identifier :type round_id: str :param round_status: The status of the round. """ self.rounds.update_one({"round_id": round_id}, {"$set": {"status": round_status}}, True)
[docs] def set_round_data(self, round_id, round_data): """Update round metadata :param round_id: The round unique identifier :type round_id: str :param round_data: The round metadata :type round_data: dict """ self.rounds.update_one({"round_id": round_id}, {"$set": {"round_data": round_data}}, True)
[docs] def update_client_status(self, clients, status): """Update client status in statestore. :param client_name: The client name :type client_name: str :param status: The client status :type status: str :return: None """ datetime_now = filter_query = {"name": {"$in": clients}} update_query = {"$set": {"last_seen": datetime_now, "status": status}} self.clients.update_many(filter_query, update_query)